The ECC Story...

Our story begins in Russel, Ohio with the Matthews family. The Matthews family were a part of the Disciples Church and had a variety of preachers stop through their home. One preacher was Alexander Campbell a leader in the Restoration Movement. The Matthews family moved to Erie, Illinois in 1856. A few churches were active in Erie  meeting sporadicly. In 1869 Mr. Matthews attended a week long meeting that involved several Christian Churches in Coleta, Illinois. At this meeting Mr. Matthews invited one of the speakers, John N. Smith to come back to Erie to  defend his beliefs. In Erie there was a man by the name of James Pratt who was a great religious skeptic and a capable debater. Mr. Matthews arranged for John N. Smith and James Pratt to debate. Mr. Smith chose to debate Mr. Pratt on 1)That Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Savior of the world, 2)That the Bible is the divinely inspired word of God and a true history of events recorded.At the end of the 2 week debate they shook hands with everyone agreeing the Bible was vindicated.
From this debate was the birth of Erie Christian Church. On April 20, 1870 there were 17 original members who began the Erie Christian Church. Throughout the years Erie CC has had a variety of preachers and evangelists to proclaim the gospel message. They have also been blessed with a variety of ministerial staff to train and encourage the congregation in their ministry work. ECC built a building in 1892 then in 1957 and added on in the 1980's and 90's with updates and remodels. These buildings have been all about providing a place of worship and ministry for the people and community of the Village of Erie. They have always remembered their humble beginnings by keeping their eyes on planting more churches.
In 2022 Erie Christian Church continues to be a part of the Restoration Movement. The Restoration Movement has this slogan, "In matters of faith, unity; in matters of opinion, liberty; in all things love." With this in mind at Erie Christian Church we are imperfect people saved by God's grace living out our lives as best as possible according to God's Word the Bible. In God's Word in the book of Acts and the rest of the New Testament we are able to learn about how the early Christians lived out their lives following Jesus. We are striving to apply that teaching to our lives as Christians living in the 21st Century.
Our story continues with our vision and core values intentionally driving us in how we live out being a disciple of Jesus and how we help others to be a disciple of Jesus.
Our vision: Win the lost and Nurture the saved.
Our Core Values: Prayer, Love, Growth, Serve
We invite you to be a part of the ECC story which is God's story of redemption and reconciliation and restoration of our lives so that we can live the abundant life.
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I (Jesus) have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
John 10:10 (NIV)
Join us every Sunday as we gather for prayer at 8:00 am and then worship together a 9:00 am.