
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Sunday Mornings

9am-10am: Worship & SuperChurch

3, 4, 5 yr olds get to participate in worship with their parents for the songs, communion, offering, and prayer. At about 9:30am they are invited to attend our Super Church Bible time for children ages 3yrs - 6th grade. This is a family style Bible teaching time so brothers, sisters, and friends of various ages get to be in class together.
Super Church is a time of learning God's Word through games, object lessons, videos, arts and crafts, accompanied with a time snacks.

10:15am-11am: Bible Classes

We offer a specific Preschool age Bible class.
They get to go to a classroom designed just for them.
Their Bible class involves Bible stories, hands on learning activities, snacks, take home activities, and free play time.

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